Tax Problem? We’ll help you find a Qualified Tax Relief Professional.

Our mission is to connect taxpayers with IRS problems to qualified, vetted, tax relief professionals that can help them. IRS problems will not go away on their own – Click the button below to get started!

Our Selection Process

In order to represent before the IRS a practitioner must be an IRS Enrolled Agent, a CPA, or an Attorney. It’s important to point out that not every tax professional knows how to represent before the IRS. In fact it truly is a specialized skill that requires hundreds of hours of training to master.

The last thing you want to do is hire someone who occasionally dabbles in this area of practice. Not understanding the laws, processes, and procedures can end up costing you thousands of dollars.

You need to hire someone who is specially trained and up to date on all the latest tax debt relief strategies.

Our partnership with the American Society of Tax Problem Solvers gives us access to the top tax relief professionals in the country. We only accept the best of the best into our referral program. There is no way for a practitioner to buy their way in, they can only apply after they have met our rigorous requirements.

1. Must be a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist

In addition to being an IRS Enrolled Agent, a CPA, or an Attorney they must also have passed the Certified Tax Resolution Specialist (CTRS) Exam from the American Society of Tax Problem Solvers. Only about 5% of practitioners that represent before the IRS have obtained this prestigious designation. Learn more about the requirements to become a CTRS here.

2. Min 5 Years of IRS Representation Experience

Practitioners must have a minimum of 5 years of representation experience (most in our network have more than 5 years). We look for professionals that have experience in the trenches. Especially those who have have encountered obstacles and continued to fight for their client’s rights. Each professional has experience with every tax resolution option (Offer in Compromise, Installment Agreement, Currently Non Collectable, etc).

3. Commitment to Education & Training

Practitioners in our network are committed to staying up to date on IRS rule changes and best practices. They must have graduated from the ASTPS Tax Resolution Accelerator Program. Additionally they are required to get a minimum of 18 hours of tax relief training each year.

Four Steps to Tax Relief

1. Tax Relief Evaluation

The first step in the tax relief process is to fill out our evaluation and tell us all the details of your IRS issue. We will take that information and find the best available representative to refer you to. After you complete the evaluation you will be able to schedule a completely free consultation with a licensed tax professional.

2. Free Case Consultation

During your private, confidential, free consultation you’ll discuss your unique tax situation with a licensed Certified Tax Resolution Specialist. You will never speak with an unlicensed sales person like you would with a large national firm.

Together, with your professional, you will discuss your current financial position and getting back into compliance. The professional will never try to sell you on a solution in your first meeting. It’s impossible to know what you qualify for until they get into the full investigation process.

At the end of the meeting they will quote you a fee to start the investigation and to file any back tax returns. It will be up to you to decide whether you’d like to work with them or not.

3. Investigation

If you choose to move forward and hire the representative the first thing you’ll do is sign either an 8821 or a Power of Attorney (2848). This will allow your professional to begin pulling IRS transcripts to find out what the IRS knows about you. They will also make contact with your Revenue Officer if you have one on your case.

Your professional will also be requesting financial documents and information from you to build a complete picture of your finances and to see what programs you qualify for. If you have any unfiled returns they will be completed in this step, because you have to be in compliance with the IRS before you’ll be able to qualify for any tax debt relief programs.

Once you are back into compliance and your representative has investigated your case you will have another meeting to discuss the options available to you and the best path forward. At this time they will also quote you a fee for the case resolution.

4. Final Resolution

Now that you and your professional have worked together to get back in to compliance it’s time to complete the final resolution with the IRS. This could be an Offer in Compromise, Installment Agreement, Currently Non-Collectable, or Penalty Abatement.

Your professional will now file the proper forms with the IRS to get you into whichever program fits your situation. Please keep in mind it is not uncommon for the IRS to initially disagree with your position. This is where our carefully selected professionals really shine. Your representative will fight for your position and if necessary elevate the case to a higher level or appeal a decision.

Patience is incredibly important! Especially in the post covid IRS things take a lot of time to be worked out. Depending on the resolution option it could take weeks or even months to hear back from the IRS. Don’t worry though – Your representative will keep you updated every step of the way!

Once you hear back, and come to an agreement with the IRS, it is incredibly important to stay in compliance. In almost every scenario failing to make a payment or failing to file a return will put you right back to square one. Your representative will work with you to create a plan to keep you in compliance.

Congrats your IRS problem is resolved – no doubt you will sleep better than you have in months!

Get Started Right Now!

Your tax problem won’t get better on it’s own.

The IRS is the most powerful collection agency in the world and even if you haven’t heard from them yet – you will eventually. No one stays hidden forever, it’s simply a matter of time.

If you want to be free of your IRS problem you must take action to make it happen. You can take the first step by filling out the tax relief evaluation and scheduling a free tax relief consultation with a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist. You have absolutely nothing to lose. This is a completely free service for taxpayers!

Can’t I just find someone on my own?

Yes you absolutely can! The problem is the tax relief companies that you hear on the radio, or see on tv, are more concerned with their bottom line than the outcomes they deliver for their clients. They often times have commissioned sales people who’s incentive is to extract the most money possible from you. Not to mention they often have whole teams dedicated to providing refunds when they don’t do the work and you demand your money back.

We’ve done the hard work to sort through practitioners so you only get referred to a professional that you can confidently trust. If after your free initial consultation you don’t feel like they’re a good fit for you – don’t hire them. You’ve lost absolutely nothing! Just contact us and we’ll give you a new referral.

Our partners are typically terrible at self promotion!

The national firms spends millions of dollars a year and have full time marketing professionals to get in front of you. Our partners are often running small specialty practices and while they know tax resolution inside and out they often don’t have the marketing side figured out. That’s why we started this organization – It is a gigantic disservice to the country that these tax professionals stay hidden.

Piece of Mind like only can provide

Unlike going direct to a company – practitioners in our network have something to lose. While we cannot guarantee anyone’s work, we can guarantee that if you have any issues with a representative we will launch an investigation into your complaint.

If you hire a practitioner from our network and they stop answering your calls, or you feel they’ve made a mistake, contact us and we’ll launch a full investigation. Their status in our referral network as well as membership with the American Society of Tax Problem Solvers will be on the line. If they are found to have done something wrong they can be dismissed from both.