Getting yourself into trouble with the IRS is pretty easy to do. Resolving your issue, that’s another story all together… Let’s just say there’s a reason you’re entitled to representation when you have an IRS problem.
My name is Mitch piper and I have dedicated my career to working in the tax relief industry. I work for one of the top tax relief companies in the country, and I assist in running the American Society of Tax Problem Solvers where every year we train thousands of CPAs, Enrolled Agents, and Attorneys to solve IRS Problems.
I started because I’m sick of seeing good people taken advantage of by both the IRS and predatory national tax resolution firms. My mission is to use my connections at ASTPS to connect taxpayers that are having trouble with the IRS to knowledgeable, vetted, tax relief professionals that can solve their problem.
Can’t I just do this myself – why do I need you?
Well the unfortunate reality is that
– navigating the IRS can be a nightmare! In fact even most tax and accounting professionals aren’t familiar with the processes. That’s why organizations like the American Society of Tax Problem Solvers exist – to help tax pros learn how to specialize in IRS representation.